KCSMA Statement of Purpose: To provide a safe, positive learning environment that inspires strong character; promotes intellectual, social, and emotional development; and challenges all students to aspire to their personal best.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Market Day info

Hopefully you have received the Market Day letter I sent home yesterday.  If not here you go....

Third Grade Market Day Project
Dear Parents,

All third grade students will be studying economics and must complete a Market Day Project to enrich classroom learning.  This is a graded project.  Each child needs to select a product to make or a service to provide.  Although parents may help a little, each student should do the bulk of the work in making the item.  Here are some suggestions:
GOODS OR PRODUCTS – individually-wrapped baked goods or candy, bookmarks, cards, painted sunglasses, paper airplanes, decorated flower pots, jewelry, comic books, etc.                         **NO DRINKS, SNOW CONE, OR “SLUSHIE” TYPE PRODUCTS PLEASE!
SERVICES – face painting, carnival type games, nail polishing, hair styling, etc. NO HAIR CUTS!
Students will need to complete the following steps to be prepared to “sell” the product or service on March 22nd.
  1. Decide what product will be made or service provided.  Turn in your plan on March 8th - See bottom of page-points will be deducted if not turned in on time.
  2. Make the product at home (plan to make 20-30 items).
  3. Decide on the price (# of tickets) of the item or service.
  4. Plan to market the product with creative packaging, if needed.
  5. IMPORTANT- Be sure to bring your sign the day before Market Day. Students will be setting up their business on their desks in their classrooms so space will be limited.  Please keep this in mind when designing signs and product or service.

Teachers will be giving tickets to students who demonstrate excellent behavior.  This includes having daily work and homework completed on time.  These tickets will be used as “money” on Market Day, so this project will also provide a reward for excellent behavior.
Here are some suggestions to help this project have the greatest impact on your child:
  1. Be a guide during the project, but allow your child to be the decision maker.
  2. Focus on learning about economics by using “economic terms” (product, service, producer, consumer, supply and demand, etc.)
Volunteers will be needed from 8:30-11:00 am on Friday, March 22nd!!!  This is a good way to get some volunteer hours.  Please let your child’s teacher know if you can help!

The Third Grade Team
Cut here and return by Friday, March 8th.
My child _________________________ will be doing______________________________
for Market Day.
Parent Signature____________________________________
Student Signature___________________________________

I can help with Market Day and/or clean-up on Friday, March 22nd 8:30-11:00_________

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