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Ancient Greece Study Guide

Ancient Greece/Democracy
Study Guide

Students should know the meaning of the following words:

Democracy: a government in which the people choose their leaders and govern themselves (citizens vote)

Direct Democracy:  a form of democracy in which all citizens make decisions.  (vote for leaders, vote on all decisions too)

Representative Democracy:  a type of democracy in which citizens elect others to represent them when making decisions

How is the government in Athens, Greece similar or different than U.S. government?
Ancient Athens
  • Direct democracy
  • Voted for leaders
  • Voted on all important decisions
  • Only men citizens voted
  • Had to be 18 years of age or older to vote
United States
  • Representative democracy
  • Vote for leaders to represent them
  • Have to be 18 years of age or older to vote
  • Men and Women vote
 Be able to tell how our national government and Athens government are alike. 
(form of government was a democracy where citizens vote, choosing leaders was/is important)

Be able to tell why the U.S. elects representatives to make decisions for the citizens.
(There are too many people in the U.S. to vote on every important decision like the people in Athens did.)

The United States was influenced by Greek Architecture:
  • Many of our government buildings use Greek columns.
  • Doric, Ionic and Corinthian were the three types of Greek columns. 
  • (Download Greek Columns from blog to see each if needed.)
  • Example:  The Supreme Court building and the Parthenon are similar because they both have similar shapes, carvings, columns, and marble steps.
The ancient Olympics began in Olympia, Greece.
Athletes from Greece were awarded with a crown of olive leaves and sometimes pottery. Only men were allowed to compete.
The Olympics today takes place in a host city.  Men and women can compete. Gold, silver and bronze medals are awarded to athletes. 

Map Skills:
Prime Meridian- the 0o line of longitude, an imaginary line that runs through Greenwich, England.

Equator- the 0o line of latitude, an imaginary line that divides the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

Latitude- imaginary lines running horizontally around the Earth, includes the equator.

Longitude- imaginary lines running vertically around the Earth, includes the Prime Meridian.

*Please use the above information to help your child prepare for our assessment.  

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