KCSMA Statement of Purpose: To provide a safe, positive learning environment that inspires strong character; promotes intellectual, social, and emotional development; and challenges all students to aspire to their personal best.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Peek at the Week

A Peek at the Week of February 25-March 1
Mon. 2/25
Tues. 2/26
Wed. 2/27
Thur. 2/28
Fri. 3/1
Reading Log
(20-30 min)

Reading Log
(20-30 min)

Reading Log
(20-30 min)

Reading Log
(20-30 min)

Reading Log Due
Celebrate read across America Day!
 Spelling Activity #1
Spelling activity #2

Spelling activity #3

Spelling pretest

Spelling Test
Spelling Menu Due
H.W.:  Elapsed Time v2
Mult. Log
H.W.:  Start Time v2 W.S.

Mult. Log
H.W.:  End Time v2

Mult. Log

Mult. Log
Time Worksheets Due

Mult. Log Due
 Social Studies:
Eleanor Roosevelt

Chapter 6 Lesson 2 Animal Adaptations

Chapter 6 test (Adaptations)
Reading Subject verb agreement and fluency with on level texts.
Spelling  liked, worried, rolling, singing, swimming, settled, talked, hurried, buying, trying, leaving, regional
WritingStudents will be working on an Elapsed Time Fairy Tale.
Math All Classes: Students will continue working on telling and writing time to the nearest minute and measure time intervals in minutes.  
Check our textbook website: There are lots of activities and fun games!  http://www.eharcourtschool.com   
User Name:  mstudent84         Password:  kcsma
Science –Students will continue Chapter 6 Plant and Animal Adaptations     Explore our textbook’s website. 
User Name:  Science    Password:   kcsma       Click on Things to Do  
Social StudiesWe will begin our unit on Eleanor Roosevelt. 

Important Dates
March 8:    Biography Book Project-Students must read a biography.
March 22:  Market Day (Information will be sent home soon)

Web Sites for Extra Practice

Six Flags Reading log winners!

Congratulations to the following students for completing the Six Flags Read to Succeed program.  For reading 6 hours and filling it out on the form, you will get a free ticket to Six Flags!!  Congrats!
Ethan Cushing
Sariya Good
Fatima Remili
Ari Emoghene
Maya Montague
Madison Wardlaw
Tawni Lane Russell
Edsel Etienne
Aiden Ingram
Ryle Traub

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Book reports!

Book reports are due on March 8th!  The students have known about this for a couple weeks and should be well on their way to reading a biography.  There are so many biographies that are age appropriate.  A popular series is "Who was....".  I saw that series was being sold at Kroger in the book section.  These are a nice read for the 3rd graders!  I loaned out several of mine to students.  When your student is done reading they can pick from the book report list, just like they have been doing all year long.  Questions?  Please email me and I will be happy to answer them!
Mrs. Borg

One more thing...

As a third grade team, we have started using the agendas much more.  If we have something you need to know about (usually behavior wise) we are writing in the agenda.  It could be about strengths or weaknesses that need to be worked on or a behavior problem.  I try really hard not to always point out negative behaviors!!  Please check the agendas and initial that you saw the note.  If you have any other questions, please email me or call.
Mrs. Borg

Was it a short week?

I know we only had school 4 days this week but we were working so hard it seemed like a regular week!

First, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to those that have sent in supplies.  I do not like having to ask for more supplies, but some years you just run low on things and there is nothing I can do about it.  I am buying things also for our classroom to continue to function how I would like!  I am still low on copy paper if anyone has a connection!  If you have any coupons or discounts let me know and I will purchase it if need be.

We are working on reading stamina in our class.  This is building up our endurance, just like an athlete would for a game or run, but we do it for reading.  It is an important skill to be able to read for extended periods of time.  As a reward, I give the students 1 skittle after 10 minutes of reading stamina.  If we continue we do 10 minute increments and they continue to earn skittles.  If you have any skittles left in your Halloween or Valentine's candy, I can take them off your hands!

This week we worked on an animal adaptation writing project.  They had to create their own combination of animals and tell me how they are adapted to survive.  We had some really interesting animals!  We also worked on shades of meaning for different words.  Like sad and devastated.  In math we started elapsed time and we are actually going to do another week on that. The students seem to struggle with this abstract idea, so we are going to attacked it a couple different ways!   Try to work it into your conversations with your student!  In community circle time we talked about friendship and started reading "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing".  In Social Studies we wrapped up Franklin Roosevelt and will be starting on Eleanor Roosevelt this week.  In Science we worked on plant adaptations and created our own plant or flower with adaptation.  I put the art work up in the hall it was so wonderful.  We have a group of creative students!

That's all for now, I look forward to next week!
Mrs. Borg


A big congratulations to Ethan Cushing for earning a 3rd place finish in the Science Fair!  Great job! 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Peek for Feb 19-22

  A Peek at the Week of February 19-22
Mon. 2/18
Tues. 2/19
Wed. 2/20
Thur. 2/21
Fri. 2/22


Reading Log
(20-30 min)

Reading Log
(20-30 min)

Reading Log
(20-30 min)
(Book Report due on March 8th)
Reading Log Due
Six Flags Reading Log Due

Spelling activity #1

Spelling activity #2

Spelling activity #3

Spelling Test
Spelling Menu Due

Mult. Log

WKBK pg. 32

Mult. Log

WKBK pg.33

Mult. Log

WKBK pg.34

Mult. Log Due

Math Wkbk Due

Social Studies:
Franklin Delano Roosevelt

 F.D.R. Test

Chapter 6 Plant and Animal Adaptations

Reading – The students will decipher shades of meaning.  Book report due March 8th on a biography, choose from the list of activities for the report.
Spelling This week’s words are (VCV pattern): cabin, future, music, tiger, behind, rewind, focus, belong, family, local
WritingStudents will be working on writing a narrative about a fictional animal that has adaptations to help it survive.
Math All Classes: Students will begin working on telling and writing time to the nearest minute and measure time intervals in minutes.  
Check our textbook website: There are lots of activities and fun games!  http://www.eharcourtschool.com   
User Name:  mstudent84         Password:  kcsma
Science –Students are beginning Chapter 6 Plant and Animal Adaptations     Explore our textbook’s website. 
User Name:  Science    Password:   kcsma       Click on Things to Do  
Social StudiesWe will continue our unit on Franklin Delano Roosevelt. 
Important Dates
  • Science Fair Set Up – February 19
  • Six Flags Read to Succeed Reading Log due on February 22nd
  • Signs of Spring Photograph Contest:  Feb. 11-Feb. 22

Web Sites for Extra Practice

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Presentation Day

Petting a corn snake

Upcoming Week

Hello blog followers,
We have a busy week coming up!  We have Valentine's Day coming up on Thursday.  I sent home a heart for you to decorate and put some sweet things on for your student.  I will be giving them a bag to decorate so you do not have to make a mailbox!  If you choose to send in Valentines then make sure you bring one for every person in our class, which is 23.  I will send home a reminder and a list of names. 

Don't forget we have no school on Friday the 15th and Monday the 18th.  Enjoy the long weekend! 

Several students need new crayons, scissors, and colored pencils.  Please check with your student.
Mrs. Borg

Monday, February 4, 2013

Peek at the week

  A Peek at the Week of February 4-8
Mon. 2/4
Tues. 2/5
Wed. 2/6
Thur. 2/7
Fri. 2/8
Reading Log
(20-30 min)

Reading Log
(20-30 min)

Reading Log
(20-30 min)

Reading Log
(20-30 min)

Reading Log Due
Spelling activity

Spelling activity

Spelling activity

Practice Test

Spelling Due
Spelling Test
Mult. Log
Worksheet #1

Mult. Log
Worksheet #2

Mult. Log

Mult. Log
Worksheet #3
Multiplication Log Due
H.W. pages due

Social Studies:
Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Georgia Habitats
Early Release @ 12:00

Early Release @ 12:00

Reading – The students will continue identifying simple, compound, and complex sentences and begin distinguishing between coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.
Spelling This week’s words are: slowest, strangest, bigger, better, highest, tallest, richest, smarter, louder, hotter, shortest, unlikely
WritingStudents will be working on writing a reading response and setting goals.
Math All Classes:  Fractions Unit-This week’s focus is comparing fractions with and without pictorial models using less than, greater than or equal to signs.
Check our textbook website: There are lots of activities and fun games!  http://www.eharcourtschool.com   
User Name:  mstudent84         Password:  kcsma
Science –Students are continuing our Georgia Habitat Unit (Chapter 7 in the text book).  Explore our textbook’s website.  https://www-k6.thinkcentral.com/ePC/start.do
User Name:  Science    Password:   kcsma       Click on Things to Do
Social StudiesWe will begin our unit on Franklin Delano Roosevelt. 

Important Dates

  • Science Fair Set Up – February 19
  • Six Flags Read to Succeed Reading Log due on February 22nd
  • Book Fair – February 4th – 8th