KCSMA Statement of Purpose: To provide a safe, positive learning environment that inspires strong character; promotes intellectual, social, and emotional development; and challenges all students to aspire to their personal best.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Goodbye September!

I love the Fall weather and it is so much nicer when we go out at recess!  To recap our week, in ELA we used our pet rocks to write a narrative from the rock's point of view.  We have some creative students!  On Friday, we started presenting book reports and I am so impressed with the creativity in our classroom!  We started learning about fossils and will be making our own fossils, a cast and a mold.  Thanks to those that have sent in play dough and I still need some the modeling clay, if anyone has a chance!  We took our first two assessments in Social Studies and Science, overall the students did really well.  In Social Studies, we started our study of the branches of government.  In Math we studied the concept of multiplication.  How can we figure out a multiplication problem if we do not have it memorized?  Mental math, arrays or repeated addition!  Time to get out the multiplication cards and drill the facts!  Math facts are just like sight words, practice, practice and they will be like second nature.  Noelle's mom has been making some timed power point slides with math facts on them and I will start drilling the kids during any few minutes we may have! 

Noelle's mom also will be coming on Wednesday during recess to teach us ZUMBA!  It was so great this past Wednesday, the girls and BOYS were dancing and moving!  This is wonderful because with a big field to play in, no play ground and limited equipment the students need some structured exercise!  Thank you, Thank you!!

I am still trying to teach the students some independence and taking responsibility.  Writing both first and last name and number on papers, emptying out their own take home folder, and not blaming Mom or Dad for lack of homework!!  I wonder how many of you know that if your student didn't do homework, 90% of the time they blame you! (Or me because they say they didn't hear me say it the 500 times I said it!)  3rd grade is a huge transition to harder curriculum, more responsibilities, and higher expectations.  Remind your student to also do their personal best!

Have a great week!
Mrs. Borg

Monday, September 24, 2012

Peek at the Week

A Peek at the Week of
September 24-28
Mon. 9/24
Tues. 9/25
Wed. 9/26
Thur. 9/27
Fri. 9/28
Reading Log

Reading Log

Reading Log

Reading Log

Reading Log Due
Book Project Due
1 Activity from Spelling Menu

1 Activity from Spelling Menu

1 Activity from Spelling Menu

Practice Test

Activities Due
Spelling Test
WB p. 35

WB p. 36

WB p. 37

WB p. 38

WB Pages Due
Science and Social Studies:

Ancient Greece Test
Rocks and Minerals Test

Reading – Students will continue our Folktales around the World Unit.  This week, students will practice identifying character traits through making inferences.  Also, students will continue to learn various homophones and parts of speech.

Spelling - Spelling words this week are: he’ll, heel, your, you’re, who’s, whose, its, it’s, we’ll, wheel, we’d, weed.  Please practice both the meanings AND spellings of these homophones.  Words are on http://www.spellingcity.com >Find list>Kay Sims

Writing - Students will be introduced to the Writing Trait of Word Choice this week.  Students will compose a fantasy narrative where their story is told from the perspective of their pet rock while focusing on improving their word choices.

Math We are beginning our multiplication and division unit.  Our focus will be on basic concepts, such as             multiplication is groups of equal numbers of items, division is a total number of items broke up into a number of         equal groups, multiplication is related to repeat addition, and multiplication and division are related.  Please check   your students agenda daily since we are switching classes for math homework assignments may vary.
            Explore our textbook’s website.  There are lots of activities and fun games!  http://www.eharcourtschool.com   
            User Name:  mstudent84         Password:  kcsma

Science – We are beginning our Fossils Unit by discovering how fossils are created. 
            Explore our textbook’s website.  https://www-k6.thinkcentral.com/ePC/start.do
            User Name:  Science    Password:   kcsma       Click on Things to Do

Social StudiesWe are wrapping up our study on the Roots of Democracy and will take the test on Wednesday,                            September 26.  We will begin studying the levels and branches of government.

Important Dates
·         Science Lab needs empty, clean 2-liter plastic bottles for a project.
·         First Book Project is due Friday, September 28.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


What a great week.  We were packed with a lot of curriculum.  Monday we did have a little popcorn to congratulate the students for doing a great job during testing.  We also started switching classes for reading and math.  We continued talking and working on fairy tales, fables, and folktales.  In math we worked on addition and subtraction with more than one number and we are going to move onto multiplication!  In social studies we learned more about Ancient Greece.  What are the three column types? What kind of democracy did they have?  What kind of democracy do we have?  How are the Ancient Olympics and Modern Olympics the same or different?    In science we continued with rocks and minerals.  We made our own rock and then made observations such as, texture, color, shape, and hardness.  Some of my friends went a little crazy on the glitter!  Monday we are making pet rocks and then using them in a writing prompt, what point of view does your rock have?  What are some attributes of your pet rock?  Tuesday will be assessments in both social studies and science. 

Next week we will continue folktales and fables, start multiplication, branches of government, and soil.  Look for the "Peek at the Week" on Monday!

Big THANK YOU, to Mrs. Traub and Mrs. Riedemann for coming and helping with making our rocks!!
Mrs. Borg

Monday, September 17, 2012

Peek at the Week

A Peek at the Week of
September 17-21
Mon. 9/17
Tues. 9/18
Wed. 9/19
Thur. 9/20
Fri. 9/21
Reading Log

Reading Log

Reading Log

Reading Log

Reading Log Due
Book Project Due on 9/28
1 Activity from Spelling Menu

1 Activity from Spelling Menu

1 Activity from Spelling Menu

Practice Test

Activities Due
Spelling Test
WB p. 13

WB p. 14

WB p. 16

WB p. 22

WB Pages Due
Rocks and Minerals (continued)
Study Guide Goes Home with Textbook
Review for Test
Review for Test
Rocks and Minerals Test
Make Pet Rock in Class

Reading – Students will begin our Folktales around the World Unit.  This week, students will practice identifying story elements and character traits. 
Spelling  - Spelling words for this week are homophones.  Be sure to practice their spelling AND meaning: fair, fare, bare, bear, hare, hair, wear, where, stare, stair, pair, pear  Words are on http://www.spellingcity.com >Find list>Kay Sims
Writing  - Students will be introduced to the Writing Trait of Sentence Fluency this week.  Students will compose an original fairy tale to practice implementing transitional phrases.
Math   Students will continue working on using different strategies to fluently add and subtract within 1000.  There will be an assessment next week.
            Explore our textbook’s website.  There are lots of activities and fun games!  http://www.eharcourtschool.com   
            User Name:  mstudent84         Password:  kcsma
Science – Students complete our first Science unit on rocks and minerals.  The Chapter 2 test is tentatively set for             Thursday, September 20.
            Explore our textbook’s website.  https://www-k6.thinkcentral.com/ePC/start.do
            User Name:  Science    Password:   kcsma       Click on Things to Do
Social StudiesStudents will continue with studying Ancient Greece.  We will discuss democracy (direct and representative) and how Ancient Greece influenced our government today.  A study guide will be sent home later in the week to prepare for a test next week.
Important Dates
·         Science Lab needs empty, clean 2-liter plastic bottles for a project.
·         First Book Project is due next Friday, September 28.
·         Tickets for Circus can be purchase at www.circusofthekids.com
·         Performances are:
§  9/19 at 7:15pm
§  9/20 at 7:00pm
§  9/21 at 7:00pm
§  9/22 at 2:00pm and 7:00pm
§  9/23 at 2:00pm

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Testing is OVER!

Greetings from the land of happy children!  Why are they happy, you ask???  Because testing is OVER!!!  We are able to get back on schedule, move our desks back to normal, have snack at our regular time, visit with our friends, and NO MORE BUBBLING ANSWER SHEETS!  Our class did an excellent job, I am very proud, and you should be also!  We will be having popcorn to celebrate on Monday and yesterday we watched Hercules (to go along with our Ancient Greece unit).  I hope to see you all at the Fall Festival on Saturday!  I will be at the Quad jump (which I have no idea what that is) at 11:30-1:00.  The students are very excited to see Ms. Frey "kiss a pig"!

Thank you to all the volunteers I have had help out!  Mrs. Traub came in to read and handle some paperwork, Mrs. Montague is helping out with some computer work, and several families sent in some much needed playground equipment!  (Ms. Ruch, Mrs. Traub, Mrs. Riedemann)  The students are enjoying recess much more now!  I can't forget to mention, Ms. Eppler, my mom!  She loves coming in and reading, helping out in class, and getting hugs from the students.  She is like our honorary grandma!

This coming up week we will be having an assessment on Longitude and Latitude and Rocks and Minerals.  Spelling words and homework will be back!  Look for the Peek at the Week by Sunday or Monday.  If you have any questions, feel free to email me.

Have a great weekend!  I love this time of year!
:) Mrs. Borg

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Peek at the Week for 9/10/12

A Peek at the Week of
 September 10-14, 2012
Mon. 09/10
Tues. 09/11
Wed. 09/12
Thur. 09/13
Fri. 09/14

Reading Log

Reading Log

Reading Log

Reading Log

Reading Log Due

Book Project Due 9/28



Reading – Students will begin Folk Tales from Around the World Unit by identifying Story Elements (characters, setting,             plot, problem, solution, and theme) in traditional folk tales.


Writing  - Students will be focusing on the Writing Trait of Organization and using appropriate punctuation (end marks).            Students will complete an alternate ending to a traditional fairy tale.

Math             Students will continue reviewing addition and subtraction with regrouping, as well as estimation strategies.        Students are working toward the 3rd grade standard of adding and subtracting within the thousands place.
            Explore our textbook’s website.  There are lots of activities and fun games!  http://www.eharcourtschool.com   
            User Name:  mstudent84         Password:  kcsma

Science – Students will continue learning about the identification of rocks and minerals.       Chapter 2 test is tentatively       set for next Wednesday, September 19.
            Explore our textbook’s website.  https://www-k6.thinkcentral.com/ePC/start.do
            User Name:  Science    Password:   kcsma       Click on Things to Do

Social StudiesStudents will continue learning about Ancient Greece and the Roots of Democracy.

Important Dates
·         September 10-13, ITBS Testing
·         September 15th, 10:00am-3:00pm, Fall Festival
·         Tickets for Circus can be purchase at www.circusofthekids.com
·         Performances are:
§  9/19 at 7:15pm
§  9/20 at 7:00pm
§  9/21 at 7:00pm
§  9/22 at 2:00pm and 7:00pm
§  9/23 at 2:00pm