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Rocks and Minerals Study Guide

Rocks and Minerals Study Guide
Read Chapter 2, Lesson 1
What is the difference between a rock and a mineral?
  • Mineral – formed in nature, never been alive, only made up of one substance
  • Rock- made up of one or more minerals
*All rocks are minerals, but all minerals are not rocks.
How do scientists identify minerals? (page 61)
·         scratch test (test of hardness)
  • streak test
  • luster (how shiny or dull)
  • color

Hardness Test:
·         Mohs is the name used for the scale to test minerals for hardness.
·         The scale goes from 1-10 with 1 being the sofest (talc) and 10 being the hardest (diamond).
·         A mineral can scratch any other mineral with a lower number.  For example, a mineral with a hardness of 3 can scratch any mineral with a hardness of 1 or 2.  A diamond with a hardness of 10 can scratch any mineral that has a hardness of 9 or lower.  A diamond is the hardest mineral.
·         If a mineral can be scratched by your fingernail, it is a soft mineral and will have a low number (1 or 2) on the Mohs scale.
·         Hardness and color are the main properties used for identifying minerals.

Difference in ways that minerals and rocks are identified:

Main Idea:  Many properties can help identify minerals and rocks.

Minerals can be identified by:

A._____hardness_(MOHs Scale)___

B._____streak ________________


Rocks can be identified by:


E.______minerals they are made from

F.______how easily it crumbles_____

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